63.2-217 - Board to adopt regulations.
§ 63.2-217. Board to adopt regulations.
The Board shall adopt such regulations, not in conflict with this title, asmay be necessary or desirable to carry out the purpose of this title. Beforethe Board acts on a regulation to be published in the Virginia Register ofRegulations pursuant to § 2.2-4007.05, the Board shall examine the potentialfiscal impact of such regulation on local boards. For regulations withpotential fiscal impact, the Board shall share copies of the fiscal analysiswith local boards prior to submission of the regulation to the Department ofPlanning and Budget for purposes of the economic impact analysis under §2.2-4007.04. The fiscal impact analysis shall include the projected costs andsavings to the local boards to implement or comply with such regulation and,where applicable, sources of potential funds to implement or comply with suchregulation.
The Board also may adopt such regulations to authorize local boards todestroy or otherwise dispose of such records as the local boards in theirdiscretion deem are no longer necessary in such offices and that serve nofurther administrative, historical or financial purpose.
(Code 1950, § 63-25; 1956, c. 125; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-25; 1974, c. 507, §63.1-238.5; 1976, c. 216; 1998, c. 558; 2002, cc. 391, 747; 2007, cc. 873,916.)