63.2-215 - State Board of Social Services.

§ 63.2-215. State Board of Social Services.

There shall be a State Board of Social Services consisting of nine membersappointed by the Governor. In making appointments the Governor shall endeavorto select appointees of such qualifications and experience that themembership of the Board shall include persons suitably qualified to considerand act upon the various problems that the Board may be required to considerand act upon. The Board shall include a member from each of the socialservices regions of the state established by the Commissioner and one membershall be a licensed health care professional. The appointments shall besubject to confirmation by the General Assembly if in session and, if not,then at its next succeeding session.

The members of the Board shall be appointed for four-year terms, except thatappointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term.

No person shall be eligible to serve for or during more than two successiveterms; however, any person appointed to fill a vacancy may be eligible fortwo additional successive terms after the term of the vacancy for which hewas appointed has expired. Members of the Board may be suspended or removedby the Governor at his pleasure.

The Board shall select a chairman from its membership, and under rulesadopted by itself may elect one of its members as vice-chairman. It shallelect one of its members as secretary.

The Board shall meet at such times as it deems appropriate and on call of thechairman when in his opinion meetings are expedient or necessary; provided,however, that the Board shall meet at least six times each calendar year.

A majority of the current membership of the Board shall constitute a quorumfor all purposes.

The main office of the Board shall be in the City of Richmond.

No director, officer or employee of an institution subject to the provisionsof this title shall be appointed a member of the Board.

(Code 1950, §§ 63-14, 63-15, 63-16, 63-18, 63-19, 63-20, 63-21, 63-22, 63-23;1956, c. 104; 1968, cc. 465, 578, §§ 63.1-14, 63.1-15, 63.1-16, 63.1-18,63.1-19, 63.1-20, 63.1-21, 63.1-22, 63.1-23; 1974, cc. 44, 45; 1976 c. 217;1980, c. 315; 1981, c. 21; 1998, c. 468; 2002, c. 747.)