63.2-1905 - Establishment of State Case Registry.
§ 63.2-1905. Establishment of State Case Registry.
The Department shall keep and maintain a State Case Registry (Registry) thatcontains case records of services provided by the Division of Child SupportEnforcement, as well as each support order established or modified in theCommonwealth. Records contained in this Registry shall be promptly updated,maintained, and regularly monitored, and shall include (i) information onadministrative actions and administrative and judicial proceedings and ordersrelating to paternity establishment and support; (ii) information obtainedfrom comparison with federal, state or local sources of information; (iii)information on support collections and distributions; and (iv) any otherrelevant information. The Supreme Court of Virginia shall report informationconcerning judicial proceedings and orders relating to paternity and supportto the Department. The Department shall be permitted to disseminate Registryinformation for information comparisons with other state and federalagencies, and as may be required pursuant to the Personal Responsibility andWork Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193) and anyregulations adopted thereto. Such information comparison activities shallinclude the following: (a) Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders, (b)Federal Parent Locator Service, (c) Temporary Assistance for Needy Familiesand Medicaid, and (d) intrastate and interstate information comparisons.
(1998, c. 109, § 63.1-250.1:3; 2002, c. 747.)