63.2-1800 - Licensure requirements.
§ 63.2-1800. Licensure requirements.
A. Each license shall indicate whether the facility is licensed to provideresidential living care or residential living and assisted living care.
B. Any facility licensed exclusively as an assisted living facility shall notuse in its title the words "convalescent," "health," "hospital,""nursing," "sanatorium," or "sanitarium," nor shall such words be usedto describe the facility in brochures, advertising, or other marketingmaterial. No facility shall advertise or market a level of care that it isnot licensed to provide. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit thefacility from describing services available in the facility.
C. Upon initial application for a license, any person applying to operate anassisted living facility who has not previously owned or managed or does notcurrently own or manage such a facility shall be required to undergo trainingby the Commissioner. The training programs shall focus on health and safetyregulations and resident rights as they pertain to assisted living facilitiesand shall be completed by the owner or administrator prior to the granting ofan initial license. Such training shall be required of those owners andcurrently employed administrators of an assisted living facility at the timeof initial application for a license. The Commissioner may also approvetraining programs provided by other entities and allow owners oradministrators to attend such approved training programs in lieu of trainingby the Commissioner. The Commissioner may also approve for licensureapplicants who meet requisite experience criteria as established by theBoard. The Commissioner may, at his discretion, issue a license conditionedupon the owner or administrator's completion of the required training.
D. For the purpose of facilitating the prompt restoration of electricalservice and prioritization of customers during widespread power outages, theCommissioner shall notify on a quarterly basis all electric utilities servingcustomers in Virginia as to the location of all assisted living facilitieslicensed in the Commonwealth. The requirements of this subsection shall bemet if the Commissioner maintains such information on an electronic databaseaccessible by electric utilities serving customers in Virginia.
(Code 1950, § 63-23.1; 1954, c. 259; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-175; 1972, c. 540;1973, c. 227; 1979, c. 461; 1981, c. 222; 1983, c. 153; 1991, c. 532; 1992,c. 666; 1993, cc. 957, 993; 1994, c. 686; 1999, c. 964; 2000, cc. 178, 203;2002, c. 747; 2004, c. 304.)