63.2-1730 - Retaliation or discrimination against complainants.

§ 63.2-1730. Retaliation or discrimination against complainants.

No assisted living facility, adult day care center or child welfare agencymay retaliate or discriminate in any manner against any person who (i) ingood faith complains or provides information to, or otherwise cooperateswith, the Department or any other agency of government or any person orentity operating under contract with an agency of government, havingresponsibility for protecting the rights of residents of assisted livingfacilities, participants in adult day care centers or children in childwelfare agencies, (ii) attempts to assert any right protected by state orfederal law, or (iii) assists any person in asserting such right.

(1994, c. 941, § 63.1-177.1; 2002, c. 747.)