63.2-1706 - Inspections and interviews.
§ 63.2-1706. Inspections and interviews.
A. Applicants for licensure and licensees shall at all times afford theCommissioner reasonable opportunity to inspect all of their facilities, booksand records, and to interview their agents and employees and any personliving or participating in such facilities, or under their custody, control,direction or supervision. Interviews conducted pursuant to this section withpersons living or participating in a facility operated by or under thecustody, control, direction, or supervision of an applicant for licensure ora licensee shall be (i) authorized by the person to be interviewed or hislegally authorized representative and (ii) limited to discussion of issuesrelated to the applicant's or licensee's compliance with applicable laws andregulations, including ascertaining if assessments and reassessments ofresidents' cognitive and physical needs are performed as required underregulations of the Board.
B. For any adult day care center issued a license or renewal thereof for aperiod of six months, the Commissioner shall make at least two inspectionsduring the six-month period, one of which shall be unannounced. For any adultday care center issued a license or renewal thereof for a period of one year,the Commissioner shall make at least three inspections each year, at leasttwo of which shall be unannounced. For any adult day care center issued alicense or a renewal thereof for a period of two years, the Commissionershall make at least two inspections each year, at least one of which shall beunannounced. For any adult day care center issued a three-year license, theCommissioner shall make at least one inspection each year, which shall beunannounced.
For any assisted living facility issued a license or renewal thereof for aperiod of six months, the Commissioner shall make at least two inspectionsduring the six-month period, one of which shall be unannounced. For anyassisted living facility issued a license or renewal thereof for a period ofone, two, or three years, the Commissioner shall make at least one inspectioneach year, which shall be unannounced, and as needed based on compliance withapplicable laws and regulations.
C. All licensed child welfare agencies shall be inspected not less than twiceannually, and one of those inspections shall be unannounced.
D. The activities, services and facilities of each applicant for renewal ofhis license as an assisted living facility, adult day care center or childwelfare agency shall be subject to an inspection or examination by theCommissioner to determine if he is in compliance with current regulations ofthe Board or Child Day-Care Council, whichever is applicable.
E. For any licensed assisted living facility, adult day care center or childwelfare agency, the Commissioner may authorize such other announced orunannounced inspections as the Commissioner considers appropriate.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-224, 63-247; 1954, c. 259; 1968, c. 578, §§ 63.1-177,63.1-210; 1972, c. 540, § 63.1-196.1; 1973, c. 227; 1979, c. 73; 1987, c.698; 1988, cc. 61, 151; 1991, c. 532; 1992, cc. 356, 666, § 63.1-194.7; 1993,cc. 957, 993; 1999, c. 964; 2000, c. 130; 2002, c. 747; 2010, c. 603.)