63.2-1604 - Establishment of Adult Protective Services Unit; powers and duties.
§ 63.2-1604. Establishment of Adult Protective Services Unit; powers andduties.
There is hereby created the Adult Protective Services Unit within the AdultServices Program in the Department, which, in coordination with adultprotective services programs in the local departments, shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
1. To support, strengthen, and evaluate adult protective services programs atlocal departments;
2. To assist in developing and implementing programs to respond to andprevent adult abuse, neglect or exploitation;
3. To prepare, disseminate, and present educational programs and materials onadult abuse, neglect and exploitation to mandated reporters and the public;
4. To establish minimum standards of training and provide educationalopportunities to qualify social workers in the field of adult protectiveservices to determine whether reports of adult abuse, neglect, orexploitation are substantiated. The Department shall establish, and the Boardshall approve, a uniform training program for adult protective servicesworkers in the Commonwealth. All adult protective services workers shallcomplete such training within one year from the date of implementation of thetraining program or within the first year of their employment;
5. To develop policies and procedures to guide the work of persons in thefield of adult protective services;
6. To prepare and disseminate statistical information on adult protectiveservices in Virginia;
7. To operate the adult protective services 24-hour toll-free hotline andprovide training and technical assistance to the hotline staff;
8. To provide coordination among the adult protective services program andother state agencies; and
9. To work collaboratively with other agencies in the Commonwealth tofacilitate the reporting and investigation of suspected adult abuse, neglect,or exploitation.
(1998, c. 149, § 63.1-55.02; 2001, cc. 701, 716, 746; 2002, c. 747; 2004, cc.749, 1011.)