63.2-1601.1 - Criminal history check for agency approved providers of services to adults.
§ 63.2-1601.1. Criminal history check for agency approved providers ofservices to adults.
A. Each local board shall obtain, in accordance with regulations adopted bythe Board, criminal history record information from the Central CriminalRecords Exchange of any individual the local board is considering approvingas a provider of home-based services pursuant to § 63.2-1600 or adult fostercare pursuant to § 63.2-1601. The local board may also obtain such a criminalrecords search on all adult household members residing in the home of theindividual with whom the adult is to be placed. The local board shall nothire for compensated employment any persons who have been convicted of anoffense as defined in § 63.2-1719. If approval as an agency approved provideris denied because of information obtained through a Central Criminal RecordsExchange search, the local board, upon request, shall provide a copy of theinformation obtained to the individual who is the subject of the search.Further dissemination of the criminal history record information isprohibited.
B. In emergency circumstances, each local board may obtain from a criminaljustice agency the criminal history record information from the CentralCriminal Records Exchange for the criminal records search authorized by thissection. The provision of home-based services shall be immediately terminatedor the adult shall be removed from the home immediately, if any adultresident has been convicted of a barrier crime as described in § 63.2-1719.
(2007, c. 572.)