63.2-1530 - Virginia Child Protection Accountability System.
§ 63.2-1530. Virginia Child Protection Accountability System.
A. The Virginia Child Protection Accountability System (the System) iscreated to collect and make available to the public information on theresponse to reported cases of child abuse and neglect in the Commonwealth.The Department shall establish and maintain the System. The Board shallpromulgate regulations to implement the provisions of this section.
B. The following information shall, notwithstanding any state law regardingprivacy or confidentiality of records, be included in the System and madeavailable to the public via a website maintained by the Department and inprint format:
1. From the Department: (i) the total number of complaints alleging childabuse, neglect, or a combination thereof received; (ii) the total number ofcomplaints deemed valid pursuant to § 63.2-1508; (iii) the total number ofcomplaints investigated by the Department pursuant to subsection I of §§63.2-1503 and 63.2-1505; (iv) the total number of cases determined to befounded cases of abuse or neglect; and (v) the total number of casesresulting in a finding that the complaint was founded resulting inadministrative appeal. Information reported pursuant to clause (v) shall bereported by total number of appeals to the local department, total number ofappeals to the Department, and total number of appeals by outcome of theappeal. For each category of information required by this subdivision, theDepartment shall also report the total number of cases by type of abuse; bygender, age, and race of the alleged victim; and by the nature of therelationship between the alleged victim and alleged abuser.
2. The Department of State Police shall report annually, in a format approvedby the Department of Social Services, arrest and disposition statistics forviolations of §§ 18.2-48, 18.2-61, 18.2-63, 18.2-64.1, 18.2-67.1, 18.2-67.2,18.2-67.3, 18.2-67.4, 18.2-355, 18.2-361, 18.2-366, 18.2-370 through18.2-370.2, 18.2-371, 18.2-371.1, 18.2-374.1, 18.2-374.1:1, 18.2-374.3,18.2-387, and 40.1-103 for inclusion in the Child Protection AccountabilitySystem.
3. From every circuit court in the Commonwealth for which data is availablethrough the statewide Case Management System: (i) the total number of (a)misdemeanor convictions appealed from the district court to the circuitcourt, (b) felony charges certified from the district court to the circuitcourt, and (c) charges brought by direct indictment in the circuit court thatinvolve a violation of any code section set forth in subdivision B 2; (ii)the total number of cases appealed, certified, or transferred to the court orbrought by direct indictment in the circuit court involving a violation ofany code section set forth in subdivision B 2 that result in a trial,including the number of bench trials and the number of jury trials; and (iii)the total number of trials involving a violation of any code section setforth in subdivision B 2 resulting in (a) a plea agreement, (b) transfer toanother court, (c) a finding of not guilty, (d) conviction on a lesserincluded offense, or (e) conviction on all charges, by type of trial.Information required to be reported pursuant to subdivisions B 1, B 2, and B3 shall be reported annually in a format approved by the Department of SocialServices and aggregated by locality.
C. Data collected pursuant to subsection B shall be made available to thepublic on a website established and maintained by the Department and shallalso be made readily available to the public in print format. Informationincluded in the System shall be presented in such a manner that no individualidentifying information shall be included.
(2009, c. 445; 2010, cc. 664, 726.)