63.2-1253 - Duty to publicize registry.
§ 63.2-1253. Duty to publicize registry.
A. The Department shall produce and distribute a pamphlet or otherpublication informing the public about the Putative Father Registry including(i) the procedures for voluntary acknowledgement of paternity, (ii) theconsequences of acknowledgement and failure to acknowledge paternity pursuantto § 20-49.1, (iii) a description of the Putative Father Registry includingto whom and under what circumstances it applies, (iv) the time limits andresponsibilities for filing, (v) paternal rights and associatedresponsibilities, and (vi) other appropriate provisions of this article.
B. Such pamphlet or publication shall include a detachable form that meetsthe requirements of subsection F of § 63.2-1252, is suitable for UnitedStates mail, and is addressed to the Putative Father Registry. Such pamphletor publication shall be made available for distribution at all offices of theDepartment of Health and all local departments of social services. TheDepartment shall also provide such pamphlets or publications to hospitals,libraries, medical clinics, schools, universities, and other providers ofchild-related services upon request.
C. The Department shall provide information to the public at large by way ofgeneral public service announcements, or other ways to deliver information tothe public about the Putative Father Registry and its services.
(2006, c. 825.)