63.2-1220.2 - Authority to enter into post-adoption contact and communication agreements.
§ 63.2-1220.2. Authority to enter into post-adoption contact andcommunication agreements.
A. In any proceeding for adoption pursuant to this chapter, the birthparent(s) and the adoptive parent(s) of a child may enter into a writtenpost-adoption contact and communication agreement. A post-adoption contactand communication agreement may include, but is not limited to, provisionsrelated to contact and communication between the child, the birth parent(s),and the adoptive parent(s) and provisions for the sharing of informationabout the child, including sharing of photographs of the child andinformation about the child's education, health, and welfare.
B. Any post-adoption contact and communication agreement entered into by thebirth parent(s) and the adoptive parent(s) of a child shall includeacknowledgment by the birth parent(s) that the adoption of the child isirrevocable, even if the adoptive parent(s) do not abide by the post-adoptioncontact and communication agreement, and acknowledgment by the adoptiveparent(s) that the agreement grants the birth parent(s) the right to seek toenforce the post-adoption contact and communication provisions set forth inthe agreement. The petitioner for adoption shall file such agreement withother documents filed in the circuit court having jurisdiction over thechild's adoption.
C. In no event shall failure to enter into a post-adoption contact andcommunication agreement with identified adoptive parent(s) after a validentrustment agreement or consent to the child's adoption is executed, orfailure to comply with a post-adoption contact and communication agreement,affect the validity of (i) the consent to the adoption, (ii) the voluntaryrelinquishment of parental rights, (iii) the voluntary or involuntarytermination of parental rights, or (iv) the finality of the adoption.
D. No birth parent(s) or adoptive parent(s) of a child shall be required toenter into a post-adoption contact and communication agreement.
(2010, c. 331.)