63.2-1207 - Removal of child from adoptive home.

§ 63.2-1207. Removal of child from adoptive home.

When a child is placed in an adoptive home pursuant to an adoptive homeplacement agreement by a local board or by a licensed child-placing agencypursuant to § 63.2-1221, or by the birth parent or legal guardian of thechild pursuant to § 63.2-1230, and a circuit court of competent jurisdictionhas not entered an interlocutory order of adoption, such child shall not beremoved from the physical custody of the adoptive parents, except (i) withthe consent of the adoptive parents; (ii) upon order of the juvenile anddomestic relations district court or the circuit court of competentjurisdiction; (iii) pursuant to § 63.2-904, which removal shall be subject toreview by the juvenile and domestic relations district court upon petition ofthe adoptive parents; or (iv) upon order of the juvenile and domesticrelations district court that accepted consent when consent has been revokedas authorized by § 63.2-1204 or § 63.2-1223.

When a child has been placed in an adoptive home directly by the birthparents or legal guardian of the child, the adoptive parents have beengranted custody of the child pursuant to § 63.2-1233, and it becomesnecessary to remove the child from the home of the adoptive parents, thejuvenile and domestic relations district court entering such an order shallorder that any consent given for the purposes of such placement shall be voidand shall determine the custody of the child.

(1989, c. 647, § 63.1-220.5; 1995, cc. 772, 826; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.15;2002, c. 747.)