63.2-103 - Confidential records and information concerning child support enforcement.
§ 63.2-103. Confidential records and information concerning child supportenforcement.
Any records established pursuant to the provisions of § 63.2-1902 shall beavailable only for the enforcement of support of children and theircaretakers and to the Attorney General, prosecuting attorneys,law-enforcement agencies, courts of competent jurisdiction and agencies inother states engaged in the enforcement of support of children and theircaretakers. Information pertaining to actions taken on behalf of recipientsof child support services may be disclosed to the recipient and other partiespursuant to Board regulations. The Board shall adopt regulations regardingthe release of information to parties involved in administrative proceedingspursuant to Chapter 19 (§ 63.2-1900 et seq.) of this title, taking intoaccount the health and safety of the parties to whom the information isrelated, and such releases of information shall be permitted, notwithstandingthe provisions of the Government Data Collection and Dissemination PracticesAct (§ 2.2-3800 et seq.). Information may also be disclosed to authorizedpersons, in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 663, in cases of unlawful taking orrestraint of a child.
(1988, c. 906, § 63.1-274.6; 1990, c. 836; 1991, cc. 545, 588; 1994, c. 665;1997, cc. 796, 895; 2001, c. 573; 2002, c. 747.)