62.1-86 - Notice of hearing on application.
§ 62.1-86. Notice of hearing on application.
As soon as practicable after the filing with the State Corporation Commissionof any application for a license under the provisions of this chapter, theCommission shall set a day for a public hearing upon such application, andthe applicant shall give notice to the public of the application, in form tobe prescribed or approved by the Commission, by publication once in each weekfor four successive weeks prior to such hearing in a newspaper or newspapersof general circulation published in the city or county wherein the proposedconstruction, or the greater part thereof, is to be made and any adjoining orconnecting county or city affected and every other county downstream fromsuch development through which the stream runs to its mouth, if there be suchnewspaper, and, if there be no such newspaper, then by publishing the same ina newspaper of general circulation in such county or counties or citiesaffected. In such notice the date fixed by the Commission for the publichearing on the application shall be stated.
(Code 1950, § 62-74; 1968, c. 659.)