61.1-51 - Violations constituting misdemeanors.

§ 61.1-51. Violations constituting misdemeanors.

Any person who shall give a fictitious or false name to the warehouseman orcooperative marketing association hereinbefore referred to, or who shall failto give to such warehouseman or cooperative marketing association the truename of the owner of such leaf tobacco or the person from whom the tobaccowas obtained, or the grower and the landlord, upon delivering the same asaforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any warehouseman or cooperativemarketing association who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions ofthis chapter, or who shall deny to any such representative the privilege ofinspection or access as provided in § 61.1-50, shall be guilty of amisdemeanor. Any warehouseman or cooperative marketing association who shallbuy or sell leaf tobacco as above set forth, knowing that the name in whichthe tobacco is sold, or any name given pursuant to the provisions hereof, isfalse or fictitious, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(Code 1950, § 61-150; 1968, c. 69.)