61.1-38 - Establishment and discontinuance of warehouses.

§ 61.1-38. Establishment and discontinuance of warehouses.

Tobacco warehouses, which were public warehouses on the day before this Codetakes effect, shall continue to be such; and the several circuit andcorporation courts may hereafter authorize the erection of tobaccowarehouses, or may establish the same, as public warehouses within theirrespective counties and cities; which warehouses shall be constructed, orshall have been constructed, so as to keep safely, and guard against fire andweather, as far as practicable, all tobacco stored therein, and shall be keptin good repair and at all times, Sunday excepted, be open for receiving,storing, selling and delivering tobacco; but the owner of any such warehouseshall have the right to discontinue the same as a public warehouse, afterhaving published a notice of his intention to do so once a week for foursuccessive weeks in some newspaper published in the county or city, whereinsuch warehouse is situated, or if no newspaper be published therein, afterhaving posted such notice at the front door of the courthouse of such countyor city for four successive weeks.

(Code 1950, § 61-95; 1968, c. 69.)