60.2-623 - Procedure generally; confidentiality of information.

§ 60.2-623. Procedure generally; confidentiality of information.

A. The manner in which disputed claims shall be presented, reports requiredfrom the claimant and from employers, the conduct of hearings and appealsbefore any deputy, appeal tribunal or the Commission, and transcriptsprepared shall be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commissionfor determining the rights of the parties. Such regulations need not conformto common law or statutory rules of evidence and other technical rules ofprocedure. A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings inconnection with a disputed claim. All testimony at any hearing upon adisputed claim shall be recorded, but need not be transcribed unless thedisputed claim is further appealed and a timely request for a hearing beforethe Commission has been made in accordance with regulations prescribed by theCommission.

B. Information furnished the Commission under the provisions of this chaptershall not be published or be open to public inspection, other than to publicemployees in the performance of their public duties. Neither suchinformation, nor any determination or decision rendered under the provisionsof §§ 60.2-619, 60.2-620 or § 60.2-622, shall be used in any judicial oradministrative proceeding other than one arising out of the provisions ofthis title; however, the Commission shall make its records about a claimantavailable to the Workers' Compensation Commission if it requests suchrecords. The Commission may also, in its discretion, furnish copies of thetranscript of hearings to any party.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B, the Commission shall, on areimbursable basis, furnish wage and unemployment compensation informationcontained in its records to the Secretary of Health and Human Services andVirginia's child support enforcement agency for their use as necessary forthe purposes of the National Directory of New Hires established under § 453(i) of the Social Security Act.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B, the Commission shall, uponwritten request, furnish any agency or political subdivision of theCommonwealth such information as it may require for the purpose of collectingfines, penalties, and costs owed to the Commonwealth or its politicalsubdivisions. Such information shall not be published or used in anyadministrative or judicial proceeding, except in matters arising out of thecollection of fines, penalties, and costs owed to the Commonwealth or itspolitical subdivisions.

(Code 1950, § 60-53; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-65; 1972, c. 764; 1986, c. 480;1988, c. 766; 1994, c. 203; 1996, cc. 108, 130; 1997, c. 385; 1998, cc. 91,745.)