60.2-507 - Financing of benefits to employees of governmental entities.
§ 60.2-507. Financing of benefits to employees of governmental entities.
A. Any governmental entity which is an employer by virtue of subdivision 7 ofsubsection B of § 60.2-210 shall be permitted to join with one or more othergovernmental entities to form a joint account in accordance with regulationsprescribed by the Commission.
B. Each governmental entity which is an employer by virtue of subdivision 7of subsection B of § 60.2-210 and each joint account formed pursuant tosubsection A of this section may elect to finance benefits to its employeesby either taxes as set forth in §§ 60.2-526 through 60.2-533, or payments inlieu of taxes. Any such election to make payments in lieu of taxes shall bemade in accordance with the provisions of subdivisions 1, 2 and 4 ofsubsection B of § 60.2-501. Termination of such election to make payments inlieu of taxes shall be made in accordance with subdivision 3 of subsection Bof § 60.2-501.
C. If the election to make payments in lieu of taxes is exercised, paymentsshall be in an amount equivalent to the full amount of regular and extendedbenefits paid that is attributable to service in the employ of suchgovernmental entity. If benefits paid to an individual are based on wagespaid by more than one employer and one or more employers are liable forpayments in lieu of taxes, the amount payable to the fund by each employerthat is liable for such payments shall be determined in accordance with theprovisions of § 60.2-504. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection,if the final adjudication of a disputed claim finds the claimant totally orpartially ineligible for benefits, the governmental entity shall be liablefor any payment made to the claimant during or prior to the appeal process,whether made by erroneous statutory interpretation, administrative error, orincorrect wage reporting.
D. Payments in lieu of taxes by governmental entities as set forth in thissection shall be made at such times and in such manner as the Commission maydetermine and prescribe by regulation.
(1977, c. 330, § 60.1-89.2; 1979, c. 634; 1981, c. 248; 1986, c. 480.)