6.2-707 - (Effective October 1, 2010) Reports and examinations.
§ 6.2-707. (Effective October 1, 2010) Reports and examinations.
The Commission may require any financial institution holding company thatcontrols a Virginia financial institution to furnish such reports as it deemsappropriate to the proper supervision of such holding companies. Unless theCommission determines otherwise, reports prepared for federal authorities maybe submitted by such holding company in satisfaction of the requirements ofthis section. If, in the judgment of the Commission, such information andreports are inadequate for the Commission's intended purposes, the Commissionmay examine any such financial institution holding company and any subsidiarydoing business in the Commonwealth.
(1978, c. 683, § 6.1-384; 1983, c. 194; 2010, c. 794.)