6.2-204 - (Effective October 1, 2010) Capital stock of certain entities vested in Commonwealth; proceedings to recover stock; liability.
§ 6.2-204. (Effective October 1, 2010) Capital stock of certain entitiesvested in Commonwealth; proceedings to recover stock; liability.
A. The capital stock of every entity formed to engage in any activityprohibited by subsection A of § 6.2-202, whether paid up or merelysubscribed, shall belong to the Commonwealth. The Attorney General, wheneverinformed of the existence of any such entity, shall institute a suit in theCircuit Court of the City of Richmond, for the purpose of recovering suchcapital stock. In such suit, all or any of the members of such entity, andany of its officers, agents, or managers, may be made defendants, andcompelled to exhibit all their books and papers, and an account of everythingnecessary to enable the court to enter a proper order.
B. No disclosure made by a defendant in such suit, and no book or paperexhibited by him in answer to the bill, or under the order of the court,shall be used as evidence against him in any case at law.
C. Every member of any entity formed to engage in any activity prohibited bysubsection A of § 6.2-202 who is made defendant in any such suit, shall beheld liable to the Commonwealth for his proportion of the capital stock insuch entity held by him, or for his use or benefit, at the institution ofsuch suit, or at the time of the order. Such order against any defendantshall be a bar to a proceeding against him for any act done in violation ofsubsection A of § 6.2-202.
(1987, c. 622, § 6.1-330.52; 2010, c. 794.)