6.2-1067 - (Effective October 1, 2010) Trust business of out-of-state trust institution.
§ 6.2-1067. (Effective October 1, 2010) Trust business of out-of-state trustinstitution.
A. An out-of-state trust institution that establishes or maintains one ormore offices in the Commonwealth under this article may conduct any activityat each such office that would be authorized under the laws of theCommonwealth for a state trust institution to conduct at such an office.
B. An out-of-state trust institution may engage in a trust business at anoffice in the Commonwealth only if it maintains (i) a trust office in theCommonwealth as permitted by this article or (ii) a branch in theCommonwealth.
(1999, c. 835, § 6.1-32.34; 2010, c. 794.)