6.1-44.7 - (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Conditions for approval.

§ 6.1-44.7. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Conditions for approval.

No branch of an out-of-state bank may be established under this article,unless:

1. In the case of a de novo branch, the laws of the home state of theout-of-state bank permit Virginia banks to establish and maintain de novobranches in that state under substantially the same terms as set forth inthis article.

2. In the case of a branch to be established through the acquisition of abranch, the laws of the out-of-state bank permit Virginia banks to establishand maintain branches in that state through the acquisition of branches undersubstantially the same terms as set forth in this article.

(1995, c. 301.)