6.1-123 - (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Officers, directors, agents and employees violating or causing bank, trust company or trust subsidiary to violate laws; civil liability not affected.
§ 6.1-123. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Officers, directors, agentsand employees violating or causing bank, trust company or trust subsidiary toviolate laws; civil liability not affected.
Any officer, director, agent or employee of any bank, trust company or trustsubsidiary who knowingly violates or who knowingly causes any bank, trustcompany or trust subsidiary to violate any provision of this chapter, orknowingly participates or knowingly acquiesces in any such violation, shall,unless other punishment be provided for the offense of such officer, agent oremployee, be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished accordingly. Theprovisions of this section shall not affect the civil liability of any suchofficer, director, agent or employee.
(Code 1950, § 6-139; 1966, c. 584; 1974, c. 665.)