59.1-463 - Prohibited conduct.
§ 59.1-463. Prohibited conduct.
A. No performing rights society or any agent or employee thereof shall:
1. Enter onto the premises of a proprietor's business for the purpose ofdiscussing or inquiring about a contract for the payment of royalties withthe proprietor or his employees, without first identifying himself to theproprietor or his employees and making known to them the purpose of thediscussion or inquiry;
2. Engage in any coercive conduct, act or practice that is substantiallydisruptive of a proprietor's business;
3. Use or attempt to use any unfair or deceptive act or practice innegotiating with a proprietor; or
4. Fail to comply with or fulfill the obligations imposed by §§ 59.1-461 and59.1-462.
B. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit aperforming rights society from conducting investigations to determine theexistence of music use by a proprietor or informing a proprietor of theproprietor's obligation under the U.S. Copyright Law, Title 17 of the UnitedStates Code.
(1995, c. 648.)