59.1-167.1 - Labeling of motor fuels; notification to reseller.
§ 59.1-167.1. Labeling of motor fuels; notification to reseller.
A. Every dispensing device used in the retail sale of any motor fuel shall beplainly and conspicuously labeled with:
1. The brand name, trademark or trade name of the motor fuel it contains;
2. The grade, blend or mixture of the motor fuel it contains;
3. The octane or cetane rating of the motor fuel it contains; and
4. If the product contains one percent or more ethanol or methanol,information identifying the kind of alcohol and the percentage of each at thetime of blending, in letters not less than one inch in height.
B. Every person delivering gasoline at wholesale to a reseller which containsone percent or more of ethanol or methanol shall provide a written manifestor invoice which conspicuously identifies the gasoline containing one percentor more of ethanol or methanol, and the percentage of ethanol or methanolcontained therein. The Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services may, byregulation, establish what additional disclosure shall be made about a motorfuel by a person delivering the motor fuel at wholesale to a retailer, sothat the retailer may comply with the requirements of subsection A of thissection.
(1986, c. 197; 1992, c. 885.)