59.1-9.9 - Venue.
§ 59.1-9.9. Venue.
The venue for all actions and proceedings for violations of this chaptershall be as specified below in this section.
The circuit court of the county or city wherein any defendant: (i) resides;or (ii) regularly or systematically conducts affairs or business activity; or(iii) has property that may be affected by the action or proceeding.Provided, however, that if said defendant does not, as specified in (i), (ii)and (iii) above, reside in, conduct affairs or business activity in, or havesuch property in the Commonwealth, then the action or proceeding may bebrought in the circuit court of the county or city in which the registeredoffice of said defendant is located or wherein the alleged violation occurred.
(1974, c. 545; 1975, c. 289.)