58.1-3361 - Clerk to furnish lists of such lands.
§ 58.1-3361. Clerk to furnish lists of such lands.
The clerk of the court of the county or city in which the lands described in§ 58.1-3360 lie shall furnish a certificate to the Comptroller and to thecounty or city treasurer, showing the quantity of land taken or acquired bythe government or religious body, the name of the former owner and adescription of the date of the recordation of the deed by which such landswere so taken or acquired as shown by the records in his office. Suchcertificate shall be sufficient evidence to county and city treasurers andcity collectors to authorize them to receive and prorate the taxes and leviesas herein authorized.
(Code 1950, § 58-819; 1984, c. 675.)