58.1-202.2 - Public-private partnerships; Public Private Partnership Oversight Committee.
§ 58.1-202.2. Public-private partnerships; Public Private PartnershipOversight Committee.
A. The Tax Commissioner is hereby authorized through the Department ofGeneral Services in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act toenter into public-private partnership contracts to finance agency technologyneeds. The Tax Commissioner may issue a request for information to seek outpotential private partners interested in providing programs pursuant to anagreement under this section. The compensation for such services shall becomputed with reference to and paid from the increased revenue attributableto the successful implementation of the technology program for the periodspecified in the contract.
B. The Public Private Partnership Oversight Committee, hereinafter referredto as the "Committee" is established as an advisory committee in theexecutive branch of state government to review and approve the terms ofcontracts under this section relating to the measurement of the revenueattributable to the technology program. The Committee shall consist of fivemembers as follows: one legislative employee appointed by the SenateCommittee on Rules after the consideration of the recommendation of thePresident pro tempore of the Senate, if any; one legislative employeeappointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; and the StateComptroller, the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, and theState Internal Auditor, as ex officio voting members. All members shall becitizens of the Commonwealth.
Ex officio members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office.Legislative employee members shall be appointed for a term of two years andmay be reappointed for successive terms. Appointments to fill vacancies,other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms.Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
The Tax Commissioner shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. TheCommittee may select an alternative to preside in the absence of the TaxCommissioner. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Themeetings of the Committee shall be held at the call of the Tax Commissioneror whenever the majority of the members so request.
The Tax Commissioner shall submit an annual executive summary and report nolater than November 30 to the Governor and General Assembly on all agreementsunder this section, describing each technology program, its progress, revenueimpact, and such other information as may be relevant. The executive summaryand report shall be submitted as provided in the procedures of the Divisionof Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislative documentsand reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website.
C. The Tax Commissioner shall determine annually the total amount ofincreased revenue attributable to the successful implementation of atechnology program under this section and such amount shall be deposited in aspecial fund known as the Technology Partnership Fund (the Fund). The TaxCommissioner is authorized to use moneys deposited in the Fund to pay privatepartners pursuant to the terms of contracts under this section. All moneys inexcess of that required to be paid to private partners, as determined by theDepartment, shall be reported to the Comptroller and transferred to theappropriate general or nongeneral fund.
(1996, cc. 643, 653; 2004, c. 1000.)