58.1-1117 - How intangible personal property tax collectible.
§ 58.1-1117. How intangible personal property tax collectible.
Each county and city treasurer shall proceed promptly to collect allintangible personal property taxes for the tax year that have been assessedby the commissioner of the revenue and remain unpaid after the time fixed bylaw for payment and shall continue his efforts so to collect until the closeof the then current calendar year. The collection of such taxes shall beenforced by legal process to the extent collection cannot be accomplishedotherwise, and all remedies available to the county or city treasurer for thecollection of other taxes shall apply to the collection of intangiblepersonal property taxes.
Within thirty-one days after the close of each calendar year, the treasurershall transmit to the Department in the form it may prescribe, suchinformation as the Department may require with respect to all assessmentsthat the commissioner of the revenue made during such calendar year and thatthe treasurer was unable to collect. The Department, upon receiving andexamining the same, shall certify to the Comptroller the necessaryinformation to enable the Comptroller to give such treasurer proper credit onthe Comptroller's books for all unpaid items, and such treasurer shall notreceive any of such taxes after he has transmitted such information to theDepartment, but the same shall be paid directly into the state treasury.Section 58.1-1800 shall not apply with respect to the intangible propertytaxes covered by this paragraph.
The Department shall have power to issue a memorandum of lien under §58.1-1805 for the collection of such taxes in the same manner and with thesame effect as in the case of a memorandum of lien issued for the collectionof taxes assessed by such Department; and all provisions of law applicable tosuch memorandum of lien shall be applicable to each memorandum of lien issuedfor the collection of taxes under this section. The Department shall alsohave power to collect the taxes as aforesaid by other legal process.
(Code 1950, § 58-441; 1960, c. 508; 1977, c. 396; 1984, c. 675; 1985, c. 221.)