57-18 - Conveyance for charitable purpose to unincorporated bodies or societies.
§ 57-18. Conveyance for charitable purpose to unincorporated bodies orsocieties.
In any case where, since June 18, 1914, there has been, or at any timehereafter there may be, any gift, grant or devise of real estate forcharitable purposes to an unincorporated body or society whether such gift,grant or devise be directly to such body or society, or to it in trust forcharitable uses, trustees to hold the same may, if such unincorporated bodyor society so elects, be appointed in accordance with the procedureprescribed by § 57-8, and such trustees shall hold the trust subject inaccordance with the provisions of §§ 57-11, 57-13, 57-14 and 57-15, in likemanner as if such sections had been made expressly applicable to suchunincorporated body or society. For the purposes of this section the wordschurch, society, denomination, congregation, religious congregation,religious body, religious denomination and religious congregation ororganization, appearing in the aforesaid sections, shall be interpreted torefer to such unincorporated body or society.
(1928, p. 25; Michie Code 1942, § 49a.)