57-17 - Conveyance of church land held in adverse possession.

§ 57-17. Conveyance of church land held in adverse possession.

Whenever any church in the Commonwealth has been in the undisputedpossession, for a period of 25 years or more, of any real estate, and forwhich there is no deed of record, the church, after giving notice once a weekfor four successive weeks in some newspaper published in, or having generalcirculation in, the county or city in which such real estate is, may file apetition in the circuit court of such county, or any court of record of suchcity, duly sworn to, which petition shall set forth the fact that the realestate mentioned therein has been in the undisputed possession of such churchfor a period of 25 years or more and shall give the true boundaries of suchreal estate. Upon the hearing of such petition, if the court shall besatisfied that the real estate mentioned has been in the undisputedpossession of such church for a period of 25 years or more; that theboundaries mentioned in the petition are the true boundaries of such realestate; and that such petition has been filed by the proper party, it mayappoint a special commissioner to make conveyance of such real estate to thechurch, with covenant of special warranty.

(1918, p. 94; 1924, p. 498; Michie Code 1942, § 46a; 2005, c. 772.)