57-2.1 - Advertising by hotels, etc., that persons find objectionable because of religion.
§ 57-2.1. Advertising by hotels, etc., that persons find objectionablebecause of religion.
(1) Definitions. - Except where the context clearly requires a differentmeaning, the following terms shall have the meaning respectively ascribed tothem:
"Person" means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, ororganized group of persons whether incorporated or not.
"Establishment" means any building or part thereof, including without beinglimited to public inns and hotels, any structure, enclosure, tract of land,and all improvements, appurtenances, and additions, bodies of water whethernatural or artificial, and any other place of whatsoever nature to which thegeneral public is or will be admitted, allowed or invited on payment of afee, free of charge or otherwise.
(2) Methods of advertising; solicitation to violate section. - No person,directly or indirectly, for himself or for another, shall publish in anynewspaper or magazine, post on any sign, or broadcast by radio or televisionany commercial advertisement that any person not otherwise prohibited by lawfrom using an establishment is not welcome, or is objectionable, or is notacceptable because of his religion. No person shall cause or solicit anotherperson to violate this section.
(3) Exemptions from section. - This section shall not apply (1) to anyestablishment which is private or restricted to membership only; (2) to anycollege, school, educational institution, or camp, admission to which isbased on religious belief or affiliation; (3) to any gathering, meeting orassembly held under the auspices of any religious group or sect.
(4) Public nuisance; abatement by injunction. - Any commercial advertisementas set forth herein is declared a public nuisance and shall be subject toabatement by injunctive relief; any aggrieved individual or group ofindividuals may proceed to obtain an injunction enjoining and restraining theperson from continuing such commercial advertisement.
(1954, c. 701.)