56-478.1 - Requiring extension of telephone facilities into rural areas.

§ 56-478.1. Requiring extension of telephone facilities into rural areas.

If, from any rural territory not now being served, application be made to theCommission by a group of ten or more persons, natural or artificial, torequire an extension of telephone service to such territory, the Commissionshall, if necessary to accomplish the purposes sought, fix a time for hearingsaid application on such terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribeand, if it be established to the satisfaction of the Commission, that aproper guaranteed revenue will accrue to any company which may be required toextend such services to such territory, then the Commission is herebyauthorized and empowered to require the telephone company located nearest, ormost advantageous to, such territory to construct such extension to suchpoint or points in such territory and to furnish adequate telephonefacilities and conveniences to such customer or customers therein as in itsjudgment is right and proper.

(1948, p. 321; Michie Suppl. 1948, § 4052a.)