56-412.1 - Railroad cars obstructing street or road; standing vehicle on railroad track.

§ 56-412.1. Railroad cars obstructing street or road; standing vehicle onrailroad track.

It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, or any receiver or trusteeoperating a railroad, to obstruct for a longer period than five minutes thefree passage on any street or road by standing cars or trains across thesame, except a passenger train while receiving or discharging passengers, buta passway shall be kept open to allow normal flow of traffic; nor shall it belawful to stand any wagon or other vehicle on the track of any railroad whichwill hinder or endanger a moving train; provided that when a train has beenuncoupled, so as to make a passway, the time necessarily required, notexceeding three minutes, to pump up the air after the train has beenrecoupled shall not be included in considering the time such cars or trainswere standing across such street or road. Any such railroad company, receiveror trustee, violating any of the provisions of this section shall be finednot less than $100 nor more than $500; provided that the fine may be $100 foreach minute beyond the permitted time but the total fine shall not exceed$500.

This section shall not apply when the train is stopped due to breakdown,mechanical failure or emergency.

(1958, c. 242; 1976, c. 89.)