56-353 - Railroad company may appoint police agents.

§ 56-353. Railroad company may appoint police agents.

The president or any other executive officer of any railroad companyincorporated by this Commonwealth may, with the approval of the circuit courtof any county or the corporation court of any city through which the roadpasses or has its chief office, appoint one or more police agents, who shallhave authority in all cases in which the rights of such railroad company areinvolved to exercise within the Commonwealth all powers which can be lawfullyexercised by any police officer for the preservation of the peace, the arrestof offenders and disorderly persons, and for the enforcement of laws againstcrimes; and such president or other executive officer may remove any suchagent at his pleasure; but, any court giving such consent may at any timerevoke it.

(Code 1919, § 3944; 1930, p. 787.)