Chapter 10.1 - Utility Facilities Act (56-265.1 thru 56-265.9)
- 56-265.1 - Definitions.
- 56-265.2 - Certificate of convenience and necessity required for acquisition, etc., of new facilities.
- 56-265.2:1 - Approval by Commission required for construction of certain gas pipelines and related facilities; n...
- 56-265.3 - Certificate to furnish public utility service; allotment of territory transfers, leases or amendments.
- 56-265.3:1 - Certificates to furnish water and sewer service
- 56-265.4 - Certificate to operate in territory of another certificate holder.
- 56-265.4:1 - Furnishing of electric public utility service or provision of facilities therefor by municipal corp...
- 56-265.4:2 - Extension of service by cities and towns into annexed areas
- 56-265.4:3 - Mobile telephone service or radio paging service in certificated territory of another compan...
- 56-265.4:4 - Certificate to operate as a telephone utility
- 56-265.4:5 - Furnishing gas service to commercial and industrial customers in an area not certificated for publi...
- 56-265.4:6 - Furnishing non-utility gas service.
- 56-265.5 - Effective date of certificates.
- 56-265.6 - Penalties for misrepresentations, violations of law, regulations or terms of certificates.
- 56-265.7 - Appeal from order of revocations, etc.
- 56-265.8 - Proceedings before Commission on or before July 1, 1950.
- 56-265.8:1 - Inspection and approval of certain installations not regulated pursuant to this chapter
- 56-265.9 - Title of chapter.