55-134.1 - Acknowledgments taken before notary who was appointed but failed to qualify; vested rights saved.
§ 55-134.1. Acknowledgments taken before notary who was appointed but failedto qualify; vested rights saved.
All certificates of acknowledgment to deeds and other writings taken andcertified prior to July 1, 1995, by a person who was appointed as a notarypublic by the Governor but who failed to qualify as provided by law shall beheld, and the same are hereby declared valid and effective in all respects,if otherwise valid, and all such deeds and other writings which have beenadmitted to record in any clerk's office in the Commonwealth upon suchcertificates shall be held to be duly and regularly recorded, if suchrecordation be otherwise valid according to law; however, nothing in thissection shall be so construed as to affect any intervening vested rights.
(1956, c. 713; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 92; 1972, c. 631; 1976, c. 685; 1984, c.35; 1989, c. 602; 1995, c. 48.)