55-132 - Acknowledgment when notary certifies erroneously as to expiration of commission.

§ 55-132. Acknowledgment when notary certifies erroneously as to expirationof commission.

All certificates of acknowledgment to deeds and other writings taken andcertified prior to July 1, 1995, by a notary public appointed or commissionedby the Governor, or appointed or commissioned under the laws of any stateother than the Commonwealth of Virginia, who mistakenly or by error certifiedthat his commission had expired at the time he made such certificate, when infact his commission had not at that time expired, shall be held, and the sameare hereby declared, valid and effective in all respects if otherwise validaccording to the law of the Commonwealth then in force, and the date and lifeof the notary's commission may be proved aliunde his certificate in anyproceeding in which the capacity or authority of such notary is or shall bequestioned; and all such deeds and other writings which have been admitted torecord in any clerk's office in the Commonwealth, upon such certificates,shall be held to be duly and regularly recorded if such recordation beotherwise valid according to the law then in force.

(1928, p. 996; Michie Code 1942, § 5209h; 1976, c. 685; 1984, c. 35; 1989, c.602; 1995, c. 48.)