55-115 - Acknowledgments taken before commissioned officers in military service.
§ 55-115. Acknowledgments taken before commissioned officers in militaryservice.
Such court or clerk shall also admit any such writing to record as to anyperson whose name is signed thereto who at the time of such acknowledgmentwas in active service in the armed forces of the United States, or as to theconsort of such person, upon the certificate of any commissioned officer ofthe army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, any state national guard that isfederally recognized or other branch of the service of which such person is amember, that such writing had been acknowledged before him by such person.Such certificate shall be written upon or annexed to such writing and shallbe substantially to the following effect:
In the army (or navy, etc.) of the United States.
I, ...................., a commissioned officer of the army (or navy, marine
corps, coast guard or other branch of service) of the United States with the
rank of lieutenant (or ensign or other appropriate rank) whose home address is
...................., do certify that E.F. (or E.F. and G.H., and so forth),
whose name (or names) is (or are) signed to the writing above (or hereto
annexed), bearing date on the .................... day of ................,
............, and who, or whose consort, is a private (corporal, seaman,
captain or other grade or rank) in the army (or navy, etc.) of the United
States, and whose home address is ...................., has (or have)
acknowledged the same before me.
Given under my hand this .................... day of ...........
Such acknowledgment may be taken at any place where the officer taking theacknowledgment and the person whose name is signed to the writing may be.Such commissioned officer may take the acknowledgment of any person in anybranch of the armed forces of the United States, or the consort of suchperson.
Every acknowledgment executed prior to July 1, 1995, in substantialcompliance with the provisions of this section is hereby validated, ratifiedand confirmed, notwithstanding any error or omission with respect to anyaddress, grade or rank.
(1942, p. 426; Michie Code 1942, § 5205a; 1944, p. 25; 1948, p. 393; 1964, c.129; 1972, c. 458; 1995, c. 48.)