55-59.3 - Contents of advertisements of sale.
§ 55-59.3. Contents of advertisements of sale.
The advertisement of sale under any deed of trust, in addition to such othermatters as may be required by such deed of trust or by the trustee, in hisdiscretion, shall set forth a description of the property to be sold, whichdescription need not be as extensive as that contained in the deed of trust,and shall identify the property by street address, if any, or, if none, shallgive the general location of the property with reference to streets, routes,or known landmarks. Where available, tax map identification may be used butis not required. The advertisement shall also include the time, place andterms of sale and shall give the name or names of the trustee or trustees. Itshall set forth the name, address and telephone number of such person (eithera trustee or the party secured or his agent or attorney) as may be able torespond to inquiries concerning the sale.
(1979, c. 12.)