55-330 - Owner of animals liable for trespasses.

§ 55-330. Owner of animals liable for trespasses.

If any of the animals specified in § 55-306, as to which the boundaries ofthe lots or tracts of land in any county, or magisterial district thereof, orin any selected portion of such county, constitute a lawful fence, shall befound going at large within such county, district, or portion of such county,or upon the lands of any person other than the owner, the owner or manager ofsuch animals shall be liable for all damage or injury done by such animals tothe owner of the crops or lands upon which they may trespass, whether theanimals wander from the premises of their owner in the county in which thetrespass was committed, or from another county; provided, that when theboundaries of lots or tracts of land in only one of two adjoining countiesshall constitute a lawful fence, and any of such animals shall escape acrossthe line or boundary of the two counties, the owner of such animal shall notbe liable to the fine imposed by the second paragraph of § 55-306, nor forany trespass committed by such animal upon the lands lying next to such lineor boundary, nor to a forfeiture of the animal, unless the land upon whichthe trespass is alleged to have been committed shall be enclosed, as providedin § 55-299.

(Code 1950, § 8-900; 1977, c. 624; 1979, c. 486.)