55-248.3 - Purposes of chapter.
§ 55-248.3. Purposes of chapter.
The purposes of this chapter are to simplify, clarify, modernize and revisethe law governing the rental of dwelling units and the rights and obligationsof landlords and tenants; to encourage landlords and tenants to maintain andimprove the quality of housing; and to establish a single body of lawrelating to landlord and tenant relations throughout the Commonwealth;provided, however, that nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a county, cityor town from establishing a commission, reconciliatory in nature only, ordesignating an existing agency, which upon mutual agreement of the partiesmay mediate conflicts which may arise out of the application of this chapter,nor shall anything herein be deemed to prohibit an ordinance designed toeffect compliance with local property maintenance codes. This chapter shallsupersede all other local, county, or municipal ordinances or regulationsconcerning landlord and tenant relations and the leasing of residentialproperty.
(1974, c. 680; 1977, c. 427.)