55-248.11:2 - Disclosure of mold in dwelling units
§ 55-248.11:2. Disclosure of mold in dwelling units.
As part of the written report of the move-in inspection required by §55-248.11:1, the landlord shall disclose whether there is any visibleevidence of mold in areas readily accessible within the interior of thedwelling unit. If the landlord's written disclosure states that there is novisible evidence of mold in the dwelling unit, this written statement shallbe deemed correct unless the tenant objects thereto in writing within fivedays after receiving the report. If the landlord's written disclosure statesthat there is visible evidence of mold in the dwelling unit, the tenant shallhave the option to terminate the tenancy and not take possession or remain inpossession of the dwelling unit. If the tenant requests to take possession,or remain in possession, of the dwelling unit, notwithstanding the presenceof visible evidence of mold, the landlord shall promptly remediate the moldcondition but in no event later than five business days thereafter andre-inspect the dwelling unit to confirm there is no visible evidence of moldin the dwelling unit and reflect on a new report that there is no visibleevidence of mold in the dwelling unit upon re-inspection.
(2004, c. 226; 2008, c. 640.)