54.1-4408 - Subpoenas.
§ 54.1-4408. Subpoenas.
In addition to the authority granted in § 2.2-4022 to issue subpoenas and theright to issue subpoenas granted the Board, the Executive Director or adesignated subordinate shall have the right to make an ex parte applicationto the circuit court for the city or county where evidence sought is kept orwhere a person or firm does business, for the issuance of a subpoena for theproduction of documents. The subpoena shall be requested to further theinvestigation of a sworn complaint within the jurisdiction of the Board byrequesting production of any relevant records, documents, or physical orother evidence of any person or firm regulated by the Board. The court shallbe authorized to issue and compel compliance with the subpoena upon a showingof reasonable cause. Upon determining that reasonable cause exists to believethat evidence may be destroyed or altered, the court may issue a subpoena forthe production of documents requiring the immediate production of evidence.
(2001, c. 832; 2007, c. 804.)