54.1-4407 - Enforcement of laws by the Executive Director or investigators; authority of investigators appointed by the Executive Director.
§ 54.1-4407. Enforcement of laws by the Executive Director or investigators;authority of investigators appointed by the Executive Director.
A. The Executive Director or investigators appointed by him shall:
1. Be sworn to enforce the statutes and regulations pertaining to the Board;
2. Have the authority to investigate violations of the statutes andregulations that the Executive Director is required to enforce;
3. Have the authority to issue summonses for violations of the provisions ofthis chapter or regulations promulgated by the Board.
B. In the event a person or entity that is issued a summons by the ExecutiveDirector or investigators appointed by him fails or refuses to discontinuethe unlawful acts or refuses to give a written promise to appear at the timeand place specified in the summons, the Executive Director or theinvestigators may appear before a magistrate or other issuing authorityhaving jurisdiction to obtain a criminal warrant under § 19.2-72.
C. The Executive Director and all investigators appointed by the ExecutiveDirector are vested with the authority to administer oaths or affirmations(i) for the purpose of receiving complaints and conducting investigations ofviolations of the provisions of this chapter or any regulations promulgatedby the Board or (ii) in connection with any investigation conducted on behalfof the Board. The Executive Director and the investigators are vested withthe authority to (a) obtain, serve, and execute any warrant, paper, orprocess issued by any court or magistrate or by the Board under the authorityof the Executive Director and (b) request and receive criminal historyinformation under the provisions of § 19.2-389.
(2001, c. 832; 2004, c. 602; 2007, c. 804.)