54.1-4404 - Board to employ Executive Director; legal counsel.

§ 54.1-4404. Board to employ Executive Director; legal counsel.

A. The Board shall employ an Executive Director who shall serve at thepleasure of the Board. The Executive Director shall direct the affairs of theBoard; keep records of all proceedings, transactions, communications, andofficial acts of the Board; be custodian of all records of the Board; andperform such duties as the Board may require. The Executive Director shallcall a meeting of the Board at the direction of the chair of the Board orupon the written request of three or more Board members. The ExecutiveDirector, with approval of the Board, may employ such additional staff asneeded. The annual salary of the Executive Director shall be established bythe Board.

B. The Office of the Attorney General shall provide counsel to the Board. Inaddition, subject to the approval of the Attorney General, the Board may,from time to time, employ such other counsel as it deems necessary.

(2001, c. 832; 2007, c. 804.)