54.1-4001 - License required; license authorized by court; building designated in license; penalty.

§ 54.1-4001. License required; license authorized by court; buildingdesignated in license; penalty.

A. No person shall engage in the business of a pawnbroker without having avalid license issued by the county, city or town in which the pawnbrokerconducts such business.

B. The circuit court of any county or city may authorize any county, city ortown to issue to any individual, who has not been convicted of a felony or acrime involving moral turpitude in the last ten years, a license to engage inthe business of a pawnbroker in that county, city or town. No such licenseshall be issued by any county, city or town except with such authority. Priorto the issuance of the license, the applicant shall furnish his date ofbirth, a sworn statement or affirmation disclosing any criminal convictionsor any pending criminal charges, whether within or without the Commonwealth,and such other information to the licensing authority as may be required bythe governing body. The license shall designate the building in which thelicensee shall carry on such business.

C. No person shall engage in the business of a pawnbroker in any locationother than the one designated in his license, except with consent of thecourt which authorized the license.

D. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty ofa Class 1 misdemeanor. Each day's violation shall constitute a separateoffense.

(Code 1950, §§ 54-841, 54-842; 1982, c. 633; 1986, c. 316; 1988, c. 765;1998, c. 848.)