54.1-404 - Regulations; code of professional practice and conduct.

§ 54.1-404. Regulations; code of professional practice and conduct.

A. The Board shall promulgate regulations not inconsistent with this chaptergoverning its own organization, the professional qualifications ofapplicants, the requirements necessary for passing examinations in whole orin part, the proper conduct of its examinations, the implementation ofexemptions from license requirements, and the proper discharge of its duties.

B. The Board may impose different licensure requirements for a limited areaof the practice of land surveying for persons who determine topography,contours, or depiction of physical improvements utilizing photogrammetricmethods or similar remote sensing technology who are not otherwise exemptpursuant to subsection C of § 54.1-402. Any such requirements shall includereasonable provisions for licensure without examination of persons deemed bythe Board to be qualified to provide photogrammetric and remote sensingsurveying services.

Any license issued pursuant to this subsection shall be distinctive,reflecting the limited area of the practice of land surveying so authorized,and considered as a land surveyor and the practice of land surveying for thepurposes of §§ 13.1-549, 13.1-1111, 54.1-402, 54.1-405, 54.1-406 and54.1-411. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize a person issued alimited license pursuant to this subsection to practice beyond such limitedarea of practice. The establishment of any such limited license shall notprohibit any duly qualified land surveyor licensed pursuant to § 54.1-400from engaging in any such limited area of practice.

C. The regulations may include a code of professional practice and conduct,the provisions of which shall serve any or all of the following purposes:

1. The protection of the public health, safety and welfare;

2. The maintenance of standards of objectivity, truthfulness and reliabilityin public statements by professionals;

3. The avoidance by professionals of conflicts of interests;

4. The prohibition of solicitation or acceptance of work by professionals onany basis other than their qualifications for the work offered;

5. The restriction by the professional in the conduct of his professionalactivity from association with any person engaging in illegal or dishonestactivities; or

6. The limitation of professional service to the area of competence of eachprofessional.

(Code 1950, § 54-25; 1974, c. 459; 1982, c. 590; 1988, c. 765; 2005, cc. 359,440.)