54.1-403 - Board members and officers; quorum.
§ 54.1-403. Board members and officers; quorum.
The Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, CertifiedInterior Designers and Landscape Architects shall be composed of thirteenmembers as follows: three architects, three professional engineers, threeland surveyors, two landscape architects and two certified interiordesigners. Each interior designer appointment to the Board may be made fromnominations submitted by the Council of Certified Virginia InteriorDesigners, who shall nominate three persons for each interior designervacancy. In no case shall the Governor be bound to make any appointment fromthe nominees.
Board members shall have actively practiced or taught their professions forat least ten years prior to their appointments. The terms of Board membersshall be four years.
The Board shall elect a president and vice-president from its membership.
Eight Board members, consisting of two engineers, two architects, two landsurveyors, one landscape architect and one interior designer, shallconstitute a quorum.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-19, 54-22, 54-23; 1980, c. 757, § 54-18.1; 1981, c. 447;1988, cc. 42, 765; 1990, c. 512; 1991, c. 291; 1998, c. 27; 2009, c. 309;2010, c. 91.)