54.1-400 - Definitions.

§ 54.1-400. Definitions.

As used in this chapter unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Architect" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of themathematical and physical sciences, and the principles of architecture andarchitectural design, acquired by professional education, practicalexperience, or both, is qualified to engage in the practice of architectureand whose competence has been attested by the Board through licensure as anarchitect.

The "practice of architecture" means any service wherein the principles andmethods of architecture are applied, such as consultation, investigation,evaluation, planning and design, and includes the responsible administrationof construction contracts, in connection with any private or publicbuildings, structures or projects, or the related equipment or accessories.

"Board" means the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, LandSurveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects.

"Certified interior designer" means a design professional who meets thecriteria of education, experience, and testing in the rendering of interiordesign services established by the Board through certification as an interiordesigner.

"Improvements to real property" means any valuable addition or ameliorationmade to land and generally whatever is erected on or affixed to land which isintended to enhance its value, beauty or utility, or adapt it to new orfurther purposes. Examples of improvements to real property include, but arenot limited to, structures, buildings, machinery, equipment, electricalsystems, mechanical systems, roads, and water and wastewater treatment anddistribution systems.

"Interior design" by a certified interior designer means any servicerendered wherein the principles and methodology of interior design areapplied in connection with the identification, research, and creativesolution of problems pertaining to the function and quality of the interiorenvironment. Such services relative to interior spaces shall include thepreparation of documents for nonload-bearing interior construction,furnishings, fixtures, and equipment in order to enhance and protect thehealth, safety, and welfare of the public.

"Land surveyor" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of theseveral sciences and of the principles of land surveying, and of the planningand design of land developments acquired by practical experience and formaleducation, is qualified to engage in the practice of land surveying, andwhose competence has been attested by the Board through licensure as a landsurveyor.

The "practice of land surveying" includes surveying of areas for adetermination or correction, a description, the establishment orreestablishment of internal and external land boundaries, or thedetermination of topography, contours or location of physical improvements,and also includes the planning of land and subdivisions thereof. The term"planning of land and subdivisions thereof" shall include, but not belimited to, the preparation of incidental plans and profiles for roads,streets and sidewalks, grading, drainage on the surface, culverts and erosioncontrol measures, with reference to existing state or local standards.

"Landscape architect" means a person who, by reason of his specialknowledge of natural, physical and mathematical sciences, and the principlesand methodology of landscape architecture and landscape architectural designacquired by professional education, practical experience, or both, isqualified to engage in the practice of landscape architecture and whosecompetence has been attested by the Board through licensure as a landscapearchitect.

The "practice of landscape architecture" by a licensed landscape architectmeans any service wherein the principles and methodology of landscapearchitecture are applied in consultation, evaluation, planning (including thepreparation and filing of sketches, drawings, plans and specifications) andresponsible supervision or administration of contracts relative to projectsprincipally directed at the functional and aesthetic use of land.

"Professional engineer" means a person who is qualified to practiceengineering by reason of his special knowledge and use of mathematical,physical and engineering sciences and the principles and methods ofengineering analysis and design acquired by engineering education andexperience, and whose competence has been attested by the Board throughlicensure as a professional engineer.

The "practice of engineering" means any service wherein the principles andmethods of engineering are applied to, but are not necessarily limited to,the following areas: consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning anddesign of public or private utilities, structures, machines, equipment,processes, transportation systems and work systems, including responsibleadministration of construction contracts. The term "practice ofengineering" shall not include the service or maintenance of existingelectrical or mechanical systems.

"Residential wastewater" means sewage (i) generated by residential oraccessory uses, not containing storm water or industrial influent, and havingno other toxic, or hazardous constituents not routinely found in residentialwastewater flows, or (ii) as certified by a professional engineer.

"Responsible charge" means the direct control and supervision of thepractice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture,or land surveying.

(1970, c. 671, § 54-17.1; 1974, c. 534; 1980, c. 757; 1982, c. 590; 1984, c.437; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 512; 1992, cc. 780, 783; 1998, c. 27; 2008, c.68; 2009, c. 309.)